
Do you want to integrate LimeSurvey with other systems in your company or create automated workflows around it?

Featured Partners in United States

United States

United States
Building Surveys LLC
Do you need to connect Limesurvey with some other application or system? Let us know about your needs, we have good expertise integrating other applications and Limesurvey. Please find below some features we have used in prior integrations: - online, using REST or similar, - through direct database connection, - using LimeSurvey API (RemoteControl2) - using file import / export - involving cron scheduling - using Excel VBA At last we have great experience working on Reporting solutions to explode Limesurvey collected data.
About Building Surveys LLC
We provide survey-based solutions. We offer consulting and development services for conducting professional online surveys.

Partners in other countries


Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc (ACSPRI)
ACSPRI develops queXS, a Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system that integrates with LimeSurvey. It also develops queXML, which is currently integrated with LimeSurvey. queXML allows for the interchange of a structured questionnaire, and for the production of scannable paper forms. In addition, queXF allows for the processing of queXML based paper based forms, and for the data from the paper forms to be returned to LimeSurvey via the RPC interface.
About Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Inc (ACSPRI)
The Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) has been contributing to, supporting, customising and hosting LimeSurvey in Australia for over 10 years. Contact us for local support and assistance. We are based in Melbourne.


Informs ApS
Informs build system integrations in cooperation with your IT department, to create automized and real time research, with questionnaires being sent on the basis of rule based actions, with CRM and BI enriched data, as for example in touchpoint survey design. We do integrations between LimeSurvey and a line of dashboard systems, for example Klipfolio, Tableau and Power BI. Many years of experience in this field enables us to effectively communicate with your IT specialist/department.
About Informs ApS
Informs have since 2012, enabled organizations to develop and implement Voice of the Customer, Employee Engagement and Market Research programs that deliver insight and drive business change. We help customers create multi-channel, multi-lingual feedback and research programs that engage customers, empower employees and deliver better market insights, helping our clients create better ROI.


Sondages Pro
Want to authenticate by another platform ? Integrate LimeSurvey in your CMS ? Extend the API ? I can find the best solution for you need. I already create authentification plugin for wordpress, extend API for other tool and integrate statistics on other website.
About Sondages Pro
Working with LimeSurvey since more than 10 years, core and plugin developer. I offer support, customisation and survey creation. Hosting on demand with cool and great plugins.


Paul Borsdorf Professional Support
Benötigen Sie Unterstützung bei der Integration von LimeSurvey in andere Systeme? Melden Sie sich gerne bei mir.
About Paul Borsdorf Professional Support
Paul Borsdorf ist Ihr persönlicher LimeSurvey-Partner. Er ist Experte für Online-Umfragen und hat langjährige Erfahrung als Universitäts-Dozent im Bereich Umfrage- und Statistiksoftware. Durch seine methodische und didaktische Expertise kann er Sie optimal bei Ihrer Arbeit mit LimeSurvey unterstützen: Je nach Bedarf per Workshop/Online-Training, persönlichem Support und durch die Erstellung Ihrer LimeSurvey-Umfrage.
We provide LimeSurvey Drupal Integrations. Sie möchten LimeSurvey in ein bestehendes System integrieren? Wir beraten Sie gerne.
About lime:support your service partner for LimeSurvey from Hamburg. We will assist you in all belongings of LimeSurvey. Former we offered our service under the brand "research on BLOGS". Ihr LimeSurvey Service Partner aus Hamburg. Wir unterstützen Sie rund um die Online-Umfrage Software LimeSurvey. Bisher habe wir unseren Service unter der Marke "research on BLOGS" angeboten.


SysWeb Kft.
We integrate LimeSurvey for your application. Integration with CAWI, CAPI, TAPI.
About SysWeb Kft.
We have been experienced over 15 years with online questionnaire programming and hosting. We programming professional questionnaires in the best online questionnaire system (LimeSurvey) and our aim to encourage our customers to use LimeSurvey


EconLab Research Network Srl
EconLab has acquired specific expertise integrating LimeSurvey with third-party applications. We develop plugins and authentication system on customer request. Since our core activity is doing research studies analysing data, we are able to work on reporting solutions and aggregated analysis on data callected by LimeSurvey.
About EconLab Research Network Srl
EconLab Research Network has been developing socio-economic research and providing business consultancy since 2010. LimeSurvey is used for surveys and censuses that EconLab offers to both public and private institutions. Since 2010, we have acquired deep knowledge on LimeSurvey deployment, development and customisation of tailored plugins and third-party system integration.


We integrate LimeSurvey and we develop additions for reporting reporting and for PDF-output.
About Respondage
We support professionals and organisations doing research. We build internet tools like surveys, data dashboards and specific websites. We have specialized in LimeSurvey. We focus on data security and user friendliness.